Four Strategies to Engage the Multicultural Classroom

April 10 2:00-3:30 pm Belk Pavilion 200

Creating a welcoming and connected environment for students of all backgrounds is a priority in higher education. This seminar will enhance your professional understanding and engagement with diversity while teaching you a comprehensive and tested approach to teaching inclusively.

Learn how to improve your teaching and embrace diversity with Four Strategies to Engage the Multicultural Classroom, a 90-minute audio online seminar with Drs. Christine Stanley (Texas A&M) and Matthew Ouellet (University of Massachusetts)

Dr. Stanley is vice president and associate provost for diversity and professor of higher education administration at Texas A&M University. She received the Robert Pierleoni Spirit Award from the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education for her leadership in diversity and faculty development, and she has consulted on faculty development nationally and internationally. Dr. Ouellett, is the associate director of the Center for Teaching & Faculty Development at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He partners with faculty and academic administrators campus-wide on initiatives that support teaching excellence, respect, and inclusion; directs the Lilly Fellows Program; and is a lecturer in the Department of Student Development.

Starting with a current, operational definition of “diversity” and the four key points of entry into multicultural course design, Dr. Ouellett and Dr. Stanley, will guide you through a framework for creating and sustaining an inclusive classroom.

This seminar will provide you with a comprehensive model for working with diversity issues. You’ll learn:

* An enhanced definition of diversity, going beyond race and gender
* A framework for multicultural course design and operation
* Appropriate techniques for critical discussion in a multicultural classroom
* Teaching strategies to promote diversity in your classes.

Drs. Ouellett and Stanley will provide practical information you can use right away, such as how to:

* Use self-assessment, student feedback and professional development throughout your career to enhance your ability to teach inclusively
* Build mutually educational relationships with colleagues from different backgrounds
* Solicit and incorporate useful feedback from students
* Link your course’s learning outcomes to diversity and social justice.

This interactive seminar is grounded in a practical approach. Drs. Ouellett and Stanley will kick off the session with a brief writing exercise, in which you’ll explore the multicultural learning outcomes, activities and assessments you have planned for a course you’ll teach. You’ll revisit this statement at the seminar’s end, in light of what you learned. Other session activities include demonstration of diversity activity and an extensive Q&A session.