HHP faculty, students engage in scholarship, leadership and learning

Faculty members Jeffrey Milroy, Resa Walch and Liz Bailey engaged in academic and scholarly writing, grant writing and professional development during the spring semester.

Jeffrey Milroy, adjunct professor of health and human performance, published “A University System-Wide Qualitative Investigation into Student Physical Activity Promotion Conducted on College Campuses” in the May/June 2012 issue of The American Journal of Health Promotion. He also coauthored a paper that has been accepted to the Journal of School Health titled “Mediators of Adolescent Substance Abuse Within State High School Health Education Curriculum Frameworks: 10-Year Follow-up.”

Resa Walch, senior lecturer of health and human performance, was accepted to participate in the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning’s Summer Writing Residency Program. The residency is a four-day experience focused on academic and scholarly writing. She and Judy Esposito, associate professor of human service studies, had an abstract accepted to the International Society of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning’s conference, happening in October in Canada.

Liz Bailey, lecturer of health and human performance, and Elon students Kylee Bushway and Ashley Williams Haddy received a Fund for Excellence Grant to establish a program for middle-school girls to promote mentorship, exercise and body image.