Hand-made Co-op Art Showcase – June 30

The scenery was a bit different outside Company Shops Market on Sunday, April 15. Instead of the usual tables and feasting customers, there was photography, woodcarvings, wine bottle lamps, and much more. This work was submitted by many of our incredible contributing artists, which included our own Elon staff member Michelle Kusel, Assistant Director of Center for Leadership, and Elon students Gloria So ‘14, Brittany Graham ‘14 and Keara Connelly ’13 with other talented artist.

The new art cooperative in Burlington, Handmade Co-Op, held its first community event with work from artists and crafters from both Elon and the wider community of Burlington on display to be sold. The founders and organizers of the Handmade Co-Op are several Elon students: Mat Goldberg, Brittany Graham, Sam Italiano, Sara McLaughlin and Megan Rollins with the support and guidance of Elon Adjunct Assistant Professor Patrick Harman.

The story of Handmade developed through the Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellows program. During winter term, the sophomore class of Leadership Fellows participated in the Community Empowerment course, taught by Professor Harman. In this course, we explored the theoretical and practical approaches of community development, community organizing, and cooperatives on campus and in the cities of Chicago and Cleveland, to gain firsthand experience by meeting professional community organizers and tour operational Co-Ops . During a class exercise, groups were asked to develop their own co-op that would help resolve an issue on Elon’s campus. From this activity, the idea for Handmade was born. The mission of Handmade is to endorse local artists, support the creation of unique art in the local community, connect the community to the local university, and sell art that creates a positive impact on the community.

Five months later and the Handmade Co-Op is holding its second Art Showcase on Saturday, June 30.

“Our first event was a great success, but we are excited for this upcoming event to have a wider art selection and a larger audience” says Italiano.

There are many different ways to become involved with Handmade. Currently, we are open and welcome new contributing artists for this and upcoming shows as well as new owners and patrons. As of now we have over 10 committed owners who are free to be a part of our decisions and future direction. If interested contact Elonhandmade@gmail.com for more information. Handmade has exciting new plans for the future. We hope to unify art in the community and build a center for artists and art lovers to gather and share their appreciation. But in the meantime, we hope to see you on Saturday, June 30, outside Company Shops Market to support the Elon and Burlington community.