Elon video team competes in Kia contest

Six Elon students want your vote in the "In My Mind" Music Video Challenge

Elon senior cinema major Brent Edwards and sophomore Wilson Hester produced, filmed and edited a 90 second music video for the Kia Music Video Challenge. Their feature included fellow student cast members Kim Duong, Nicole Bloom, Julia Boyd and Brandon Williams.

See the video at: http://youtu.be/snidCAe-MKQ?hd=1

The students are asking for your vote in the competition. Voting continues through Oct. 4, with the winners announced Oct. 18.

Here’s how to vote once you have logged into your personal YouTube account:


1. Click http://www.youtube.com/kia

2. Then ‘VIEW & VOTE’

3. Search: “Reverie” in the Search Videos box

4. Click VOTE