USA Today: Your right to know vs. colleges

From USA Today (3/10/13): When asked to name an event occurring in March, many would identify St. Patrick's Day. Sports fans might default to March Madness. A small cadre of die-hards with a fanatical dedication to open government will answer Sunshine Week, which starts Sunday. All three answers are correct, even though it might not be immediately clear how they're connected.

What does a national initiative coordinated by the American Society of News Editors and Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, to promote a dialogue about the importance of open government and freedom of information, have to do with the most bacchanal of days and a near-month of hoops heaven?

The answer starts with Notre Dame. The Fighting Irish, famous for football, aren’t half-bad at basketball either. And recent scandals highlight the importance of transparency and access to records on college and university campuses.

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