Writing Excellence workshop: Using Rubrics Effectively – May 1

Learn how to design rubrics for effectively and efficiently assessing student writing in any course.

Using Rubrics Effectively and Efficiently—A Workshop AND Individual Consultation
May 1, Noon to 1:15 p.m., Belk Pavilion 208

Well-designed rubrics can slice away your grading time, improve the quality of your feedback to students, reduce student complaints about grades, and increase your ability to teach content important in your classes. And that’s just the beginning. In contrast, poorly designed rubrics cause frustration for you and your students. Participants in this workshop will learn how to design rubrics that work—and they will have an invitation for an individual consultation with Paul Anderson to discuss one or more rubrics they would like to create or modify.
Deadline for Registering: April 23.
Registration: Contact Edie Alexander, 5652.