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Three Underused Tools in Moodle

November 14 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Belk Library 113 RSVP

The Choice activity, Attendance activity, and Label resource are powerful, time-saving Moodle tools, and you can learn to use all three of them in less than one hour. The Choice activity lets you post a single question and offer a selection of possible responses. This can be used for anything from having students sign up for assignment topics, to polling your students for feedback on the direction of the course. Taking and tracking attendance is a breeze with the Attendance activity. You can assign different grades for being present or late, or just keep it as a reference for students. Finally, the Label resource is a versatile tool that allows you to display text, images, and embeddable multimedia into your course. During this session we will cover these three underused tools in Moodle, and how they can quickly add value to your course without consuming all of your time.