Phoenix14News Reports on Hand Sanitizer Dangers, Textbook Taxes

Last night Phoenix14News aired its exclusive Consumer Alert on Hand Sanitizer Dangers. Reporter Beth Roberts showed you how easy it was for the solutions to catch fire, and told you that once lit that the sanitizer burned hotter than gasoline. She took you to the Elon Fire Department where Deputy Chief Steve Floyd was more than a little surprised. He was worried that his firefighters, who use the products, could be at risk.

Then, the shocker no one expected, in a side by side test the Hand Sanitizer burned hotter and longer than pure alcohol.

The story re-airs throughout the week at 8:30am and 7:00pm daily. Make time to watch.

Plus, the I-TEAM is at it again. We’re on a mission to make Textbook Taxes no more. To help us investigate an absurd law that requires students to pay sales tax on textbooks we need your help. Send us an email to, telling how much you paid for books this semester, and how much you paid in tax. Or, photocopy your receipt and drop it in the mail to Campus Box 2850, “Attn: Phoenix14News.”

I-TEAM Investigator Scott Myrick is working the story and will bring you periodic updates as we make progress.

Live. Investigative. In-Depth. Phoenix14News. Where News Comes Full Circle.