Judge unseals search warrants, 911 call related to death of UNC-Chapel Hill student

The Daily Tar Heel: Superior Court Judge Howard Manning ordered that search warrants and a 911 call related to the 2012 killing of Faith Hedgepeth be unsealed. The records had remained sealed since shortly after the UNC junior's death. 

The Daily Tar Heel: Faith Hedgepeth was killed on Sept. 7, 2012 in her off-campus apartment. Her death, ruled a homicide by the Chapel Hill police, remains unsolved. 

At the request of Durham County prosecutors and Chapel Hill police, the courts allowed the search warrants and 911 calls related to her death to remain sealed while the investigation was pending. The case is being handled in Durham County because her apartment was in a small section of Chapel Hill that is in Durham. 

The Daily Tar Heel, Capitol Broadcasting and The News & Observer have repeatedly sought to have the records unsealed. On Wednesday, Judge Howard Manning unsealed the records.

Both search warrants and 911 calls are presumptively open for public inspection, but can be sealed under court order. 

Read The Daily Tar Heel’s report here