Student-led walk combats sexual violence

Elon students organized and led a Walk Against Victim Blaming on Oct. 3, 2014, to condemn sexual violence and highlight resources available to prevent it.

Dozens of Elon University students held signs – and umbrellas – as they marched across campus in light rain Friday afternoon during a Walk Against Victim Blaming.

The walk, which was organized by student group Elon Feminists for Equality, Change and Transformation (EFFECT), was the culmination of a series of events during Support Survivors Week. As students walked around campus, they recited chants such as, “Break the silence, stop the violence!” and relayed information about resources available at Elon for the prevention and treatment of sexual violence. 

“This is a really visible way for us to show that Elon is a supportive campus for survivors,” said senior Rachel Lewis, who holds a leadership role in EFFECT. “I think a problem college campuses have sometimes is that they’ll have these resources available but they’re not translated to the students. So we’re trying to make this a really visible, activist event so that people can walk by, see what’s happening and talk to their friends.” 

Organizers handed out the phone numbers to confidential advocacy phone line SAFEline (336-278-3333) and CrossRoads, a local sexual assault response and resource center (336-228-0813). Additional information about available resources for the prevention and treatment of sexual and relationship violence at Elon is located here.

Jessica Clark, coordinator for violence response in Elon’s R.N. Ellington Center for Health and Wellness, said the walk is an encouraging sign of student involvement around the national issue of sexual violence. 

“We’re finally seeing a nationwide (focus) on sexual violence, particularly on college campuses,” Clark said. “I see this walk as a very integral part of that conversation. … I love that it is completely grassroots. The students have started it, the students run it and I think it’s an amazing way for students to take a stand and say that we don’t allow victim-blaming here at Elon (and) we don’t condone sexual violence at Elon.” 

Friday’s walk was the second of its kind for EFFECT and those who joined it in spreading a message against assault and blaming victims. It staged a similar event in the spring. 

“We are taking advantage of resources available to us on campus and trying to make them more visible,” Lewis said. “I think that by doing this, we’re showing the administration that we care about this.”