Midterm Election Early Voting Shuttle and Election Night Watch Event

North Carolina Campus Compact (NCCC) recently announced that Elon University won the NCCC voter registration contest by registering the most students among eight participating North Carolina universities. 


Elon currently ranks 17th in the nation for voter registration sign-ups this year for institutions using TurboVote. Students are encouraged to continue the midterm election momentum by participating in the following activities.





Early Voting Shuttle for Students Registered to Vote in Alamance County

Friday, October 31


Shuttle pick-up/drop-off location: McMichael Lot (corner of lot near the greenhouse)

Note: Students should check the North Carolina State Board of Elections website to ensure that they are correctly registered to vote in Alamance County prior to taking the shuttle to the Holly Hill Mall early voting site: https://www.ncsbe.gov/webapps/voter_search/


Election Night Watch Event

Tuesday, November 4


Moseley Center, First Floor Lobby

Join the campus community in watching the election results come in from North Carolina and across the nation.


Events are sponsored by the Andrew Goodman Foundation, Campus Election Engagement Project – NC, Kernodle Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement, and National Campaign for Political and Civic Education.