The Sexy and Genderful God:  J-Term Series at the Truitt Center

Join us for dinner conversations about Christian faith, gender, sex and sexuality on Wednesdays during J-Term at 7 p.m. in Numen Lumen Pavilion

Come join us for The Sexy and Genderful God – a Christian look into gender, sexuality, and sex. Leadership Fellows Christine Fortner and Shelby Lewis are working with Truitt Center students from multiple Christian groups, as well as students from Effect, Spectrum, and Sparks, to host a series of conversations about gender, sexual identity, and sex within progressive Christianity. 

The conversations will begin on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. with free pizza and salad. Each week, a featured speaker will start the conversation, and students will share and facilitate a larger group discussion. Inclusive worship that affirms our various gender and sexual identities will follow at 8:15 p.m. for 30 minutes. Worship on January 14 will include Sweet Signatures.

The title of the series – The Sexy and Genderful God – affirms that all human identities have their ultimate source in the ever-creating God (Gen 1:27). If our created being is diversely gendered and sexy – God created us as gendered and sexual beings – then it is not inappropriate to acknowledge the sexy and gender-full being of God the creator.

The goal is to encourage more open and progressive discussions about gender, sexual identity, and sex.  Each week during J-term will focus on one of these themes:

  • January 7 – Gender, Feminism, and the Bible, with Rev. Dr. Jan Fuller (University Chaplain) and Rev. Courtney Davis-Shoemaker (LEAF Campus Minister)
  • January 14 – Sexuality and Supporting LGBTQIA Christians, with Rev. Phil Hardy (Life’s Journey Church)
  • January 21 – Dating and Sex for 21st Century Christians, with Rev. Dr. Joel Harter (Associate Chaplain) and Rev. Marisa Thompson (Holy Comforter)

We also have a special speaker on Monday, January 12 at 5 p.m. Rev. Dr. Angela Yarber from Wake Forest University will speak about gender and sexuality in Christian Worship. Dr. Yarber is a professional artist, dancer, and clergywoman, and the author of six books, including The Gendered Pulpit: Sex, Body, and Desire in Preaching and Worship.

  • January 12 – Gender and Sex, Body and Desire in Christian Worship, with Rev. Dr. Angela Yarber (Wake Forest) at 5 p.m. in the McBride Room

This series is sponsored by the Truitt Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, the Gender and LGBTQIA Center, and the new network of Progressive Christians at Elon, organized by Joel Harter, the Associate Chaplain for Protestant Life. EFFECT, Spectrum, and SPARKS are also participating. All are welcome to join the conversation and to share the event on Facebook.

Upcoming Spring Event:

Dr. David Gushee, “Changing Our Mind about LGBTQIA Christians” – Thursday, April 16 at 4:15 p.m. in McBride Room, Co-Sponsored by the Truitt Center and PFLAG of Alamance County.