GST-110 Students: Don’t pass up the opportunity of a lifetime

In GST-110, many global issues are presented that may bother you deep down inside, such as the ever looming presence of human slavery or the continual spread of AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. No matter the issue, after hearing about it, you may feel motivated to take action. Don’t you wish you could do something about these global issues? YOU CAN!

Apply to become a member of the Periclean Scholars Class of 2007!

Applications are due this Friday, March 19th. These should include a letter of recommendation from any GST-110 professor and a letter of interest (telling us your ideas, qualities you would bring to the table, etc.).

You applications should be submitted to Tom Arcaro, CB #2182, by THIS FRIDAY, March 19th!

If you have any questions, contact or any representative of the Periclean Scholars Class of ’06, or e-mail Dr. Tom Arcaro ( or Dr. Jim Brown (