Museum curator to discuss contemporary art, April 19

Debra Singer, associate curator of contemporary art at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, will hold a discussion at 7 p.m., Monday, April 19 in Yeager Recital Hall, located in the Center for the Arts on the Elon University campus. Singer’s appearance is part of the Art History at Elon Speaker Series. Her talk is titled “The Way Things Never Were: Contemporary Art and Nostalgia.”

Singer is one of three curators responsible for choosing works for the 2004 Whitney Biennial, which opened March 11. Singer will present an overview of the 108 artists and collaborative groups chosen for the Biennial, considered one of the most important contemporary art exhibits in the U.S. Several generations of artists are represented in the exhibit, the 72nd Whitney Biennial since the museum opened in 1931.

The event is free and open to the public.