Hawfields Middle School students to visit campus, April 19

More than 100 8th-graders from Hawfields Middle School in Mebane will visit campus Monday, April 19. The students will be guests of the School of Education, and will tour campus in small groups led by middle grades education majors.

The middle school students, who represent the first graduating class at Hawfields Middle, will also make a presentation in Yeager Recital Hall and picnic on the lawn behind Moseley Center before leaving campus about 12:30 p.m.

Elon students have been involved with this group of middle schoolers in an interdisciplinary service learning project titled “Leaving a Legacy.”

In math, the students have designed and created a tessellations-based 7-foot art canvas depicting memories of their three years in middle school. It will be unveiled during the presentation in Yeager.

The students have also been involved in creating an environmental efficiency plan for the school. In social studies, students are making a mini-documentary of the school’s history.