Dave Powell presents paper at FECS 2015 conference

Dave Powell presented a paper co-authored with Joel Hollingsworth titled "Improving a Computer Science I Course with Flipped Instruction and Faculty Guides" at The 2015 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering held from July 27-30, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada.  

Online courses and Instruction from companies such as CodeSchool.com, Lynda.com, and Udacity.com provide high quality video instruction supplemented with interactive quizes,  interactive coding assignments, forums and dashboards on a wide variety of computer science topics. In this paper, Joel and Dave discuss the wrapping of  online course materials from Udacity.com to flip the class room for a spring 2015  Elon Computer Science 1 course. In the flipped Computer Science 1 classroom, lecture was replaced with active learning guided by faculty using hands on programming challenges, group problem solving exercises and individual assessment. In preparation for each  in class period, students were assigned a set of video instruction with interactive assessments to provide computer concepts, theory and best practices.