Elon University Residence Life Student Staff Attend State-Wide Conference

On Oct. 24, 15 Residence Life Student Staff members along with staff advisors Cristina Vega, Mackenzie Kegley and Rike Habbel attended the North Carolina Housing Officers (NCHO) RA Drive In Conference at Guilford College.  


57 public and private institutions belong to NCHO and RAs from approximately 20 other institutions attended the conference as well. The students were able to network with other resident assistants across the state and attend multiple professional development sessions, with topics ranging from programming ideas to utilizing the student leadership position in job or internship searches.

Apartment Manager Hanna Elmgren presented “Treat Yo Self – the Importance of Self-Care as an RA” together with Rike Habbel. Habbel also presented “Res Life 4 Life”, talking about student affairs as a career option after college. Residence Area Coordinator Kayla Harvey presented “Wanna Spoon?”, a program about students with disabilities and invisible illnesses on college campuses. Harvey’s program won Best Overall Program as voted by attendees.