Kirstin Ringelberg presents on neoliberal feminism in contemporary art

At the College Art Association conference in Washington, D.C., the art historian analyzed the intersection of contemporary artists' work, the history and criticism that frames it, and neoliberal elements of third-wave feminism.

In a talk entitled “Having It Both Ways: Tabaimo as Third-Wave Feminist”, Professor Kirstin Ringelberg of the Department of Art and Art History laid out the roadblocks neoliberal feminism creates for meaningful progress in the contemporary art world, using the case study of video installation artist Tabaimo.

Ringelberg’s activist manifesto was delivered as part of the panel “Defining the Third Wave: Art, Popular Culture, and Millennial Feminism”, whose discussant was Maura Reilly, Founding Curator of the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum and currently Chief Curator of the National Academy Museum.