Elon Senior Presents at Phi Alpha Theta National History Conference in Orlando

Aaron S. Marks, Maynard National Teaching Fellow, presented at the Phi Alpha Theta Biennial National History Conference in January.

Aaron S. Marks, Maynard National Teaching Fellow, presented a paper, “Marking the End of the Empire,”  at the Phi Alpha Theta Biennial National History Conference in January in Orlando.

The paper argues that Britain’s domestic economic conditions, as well as its withdrawal from the British Mandate of Palestine and India following World War II, signaled the turning point for Britain’s global influence, and the 1956 Suez Crisis served as the end game to its superpower influence. It reflects a research agenda Marks began while studying in London as part of the Teaching Fellows Study Abroad program, which was furthered by his work in a course in geography at Elon. He continued his research this past fall. “This paper reflects my combined interest in British and Middle East (Israeli) economics, history, and politics,” he says.

Marks is among a few Elon University student who have ever presented at the Phi Alpha Theta, National History Honor Society, Biennial Convention. He is not new to being “a first” as he is a founding member of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. 

An education major with a concentration in social studies, Marks has been a member of Phi Alpha Theta since 2013, and an Elon Academy academic coach coordinator. “It was great to present at a National Conference and receive feedback from conference participants, who were mostly masters, doctoral students, and faculty (across the nation) in history,” he says. “It was also a great networking opportunity.”  He added his paper would not have been possible without the assistance of and comments from Mark Donnarumma, Foundation for International Education and Birkbeck, University of London, and the generous scholarship support of James W. and Jo Anne A. Maynard. “I am also appreciative of the financial support of the School of Education so I could attend the conference.”

Following graduation, Marks hopes to teach history and coach before pursuing graduate work.