Paint the Campus Purple Week: Feb. 22-26

Colleges against Cancer presents Paint the Campus Purple Week. There are events every day to raise awarnesss about Relay for Life and support the American Cancer Society.


Monday February 22nd
Pancakes for Paint the Campus Purple Week from 9:00-11:00am in Moseley Kitchen

Tuesday February 23rd
Stop by the CAC office for prizes! 
Trivia Night at Fat Frogg from 8pm-12am

Wednesday February 24th
Pandora’s Pies Profit Share
S’mores with Survivors 10-11pm on the Koury Gym Patio

Thursday February 25th
Donuts 11pm-1am at Tony’s & West End
Midnight Meals in Irazu

Relay for Life 2015
Friday February 26th
Wear Purple Today to show your support for the American Cancer Society !
Mission Profit Share 5-10pm

Don’t forget to register for Relay for Life! Click here to register or donate.