U.S. Representative Mark Walker at Elon Law calls for positive approach to politics

Speaking with Elon Law students on February 22, Congressman Mark Walker focused on the importance of political tone, strong relationships and policy solutions to achieve results. 

Congressman Mark Walker at Elon Law, Feb. 22
Referencing a range of policy matters facing the nation, from the economy to privacy rights, Congressman Mark Walker said elected officials need to improve the tone of political discourse in order to bridge a growing divide in the country that has become an obstacle to problem-solving.

“I got a little frustrated at times with my party that the message came across with such vitriol,” Walker said. “To me, the tone and spirit by which the message is delivered is just as important as the message itself. Unless we are able to have dialogue about our differences, we are going to continue to see that divide grow.”

Asked by an Elon Law student how he felt about North Carolina’s new Congressional districts, Walker emphasized the importance of building strong, local relationships to advance policies that help entire communities.

Law student Evan Freemyer, right, and Elon Law Professor Don Dancer, center, discuss Elon Law's innovations in legal education with Congressman Mark Walker and his district director Julie Scott Emmons, Feb. 22, 2106. 
“If you’re truly going to bring change to an area, you have to put relationships before policies,” Walker said. “By building up relationships over time, then at some point we’re able to freely exchange ideas.”

In response to a student question about his move from religious to political leadership, Walker said he wanted to bring a solution-oriented focus to Washington.

“My approach as a member of Congress should be to tell you not only why this side doesn’t work, but also why this side probably does work,” Walker said, referencing policy issues including poverty and educational opportunity.

Walker commented on Elon Law’s innovative approach to legal education as an example of the region’s national leadership.

“What a great thing to have here in Greensboro – such a proactive approach to law school,” Walker said. “Right here in the middle of our Triad area we’ve got a great place that is getting things done and is producing great people in this profession.”