SGA  Approves 2016-2017 Student Organization Budgets

 The SGA Budget Committee  considered over  80 student organization budget requests  during annual budget hearings March 6-9 . The  SGA Budget Committee submitted the recommended allocations to the Senate on March 10 , and  the budget was passed. 


The Student Government Association Budget Committee and the Senate  approved student organization budgets for the 2016-2017 academic year.  The 2016-2017 allocations are posted on the SGA website at:

Groups will be able to access funds after September 1, 2016 and after the treasurer has attended the fall treasurer’s meeting.

Any new organization approved this spring will be allowed to particpatre in fall budget hearings  in early September. 

All  organization treasurers, presidents and advisors are  also advised to read the Treasurer’s Manual carefully. It can be found on the SGA website at