Phoenix14News Announces 6 Hours of Live Election Night Coverage

Last night, Phoenix14News announced plans for six hours of live, uninterrupted Vote2004 Election Night coverage. You read correctly. On Nov. 2, Phoenix14News will take to the air beginning at 7 p.m. and continue our live coverage until 1 a.m.

Our Vote2004 coverage will be anchored by award-winning Phoenix14News Tonight anchors Agnes Bannigan and Scott Myrick, who will be joined by Beth Roberts and Meghan Packer. You can also expect to see other familiar Phoenix14News faces reporting live from around campus as well as the local area throughout the evening.

Phoenix14News will manage election data using our exclusive FASTrak Data System. We’ll be reporting FASTrak election data live as it comes into the station from the early hours, late into the night to keep you on the edge of all the big races. We’ll be covering the national races, as well as state races from those states that a large number of Elon students hail from. You can also expect us to keep you abreast on local races.

We’ll be joined by numerous live guests and analysts, all geared towards the perspective of a young voter.

This massive effort has been in the planning stages since last spring and is being coordinated by Coordinating Producer for Elections, Jason Boyer, and Phoenix14News Executive Producer Jennifer Sposato. Producers Ingram Brooks and JP Chism will also play key roles.

There is the possibility that Phoenix14News will choose to shorten some of its regularly scheduled weekly newscasts in the coming weeks to allow our team to focus on this large effort.

Questions or comments about coverage can be directed to News Director, David Douglas at

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