Emily Filler: 'The God Who Saves and the God Who Kills'

Earlham College Professor Emily Filler will present and lead discussion on biblical texts concerning violence and liberation.

The Israelites’ exodus from Egypt in the Hebrew Bible is frequently invoked as a profound and enduring example of liberation. But whose liberation? How does the Exodus look different from the perspectives of the text’s “others”?

On Thursday, April 13, at 5:30 p.m. in the McBride Gathering Space of the Numen Lumen Pavilion, Emily Filler of Earlham College will facilitate a lively discussion of these questions and of the biblical texts that prompt them. Filler is chair of the Jewish Studies Program and assistant professor of religious studies at Earlham, and co-editor of the Journal of Jewish Ethics.

The event is co-sponsored by: Jewish Studies; Religious Studies; the Center for the Study of Religion, Culture and Society; and Jewish Life.