Writing Boot Camps – Summer

Main campus Writing Boot Camps are open for registration!

We are excited to announce the dates of our upcoming Summer Writing Boot Camps!

Each Writing Boot Camp is open to all faculty and staff and is designed to offer you a full or half day to focus exclusively on your writing projects. We supply a table, power for your laptop, hot and cold beverages, lunch — and quiet. This environment is a great way to kick off or make progress on research, creative, or professional writing projects.

Registration will end five days prior to each Boot Camp so we can order catering and set-up.

Please register for each month’s workshops by clicking on the links below.

June Writing Boot Camps
                Dates: Saturday, June 10, Tuesday, June 20

July Writing Boot Camps
                Dates: Wednesday, July 12, Tuesday, July 18 and Saturday, July 29

August Writing Boot Camps
                Dates: Tuesday, Aug. 8, Wednesday, Aug. 16 and Saturday, Aug. 19