Active Citizen Series: Writing for Action – Writing Persuasive Letters to Elected Officials and Newspapers

Join us on Tuesday, Oct. 24 from 4:15 to 5:45 p.m. in Moseley 215.

Angered, annoyed, or distressed by something in your local or national community? You can do something about it: write! In this interactive workshop, participants will model and practice techniques for writing compelling letters to public officials and public audiences.

Read sample letters, discuss what to consider when writing this genre, then write and share or receive feedback on your letter. Participants will leave with a draft and a toolkit for writing effective letters that call for action!

Limited to 40 participants and registration at this link is required.

Facilitated by Julia Bleakney, Writing Center director and assistant professor of English, and Paula Patch, College Writing Program coordinator and senior lecturer in English.

Sponsored by the College Writing Program, Writing Center, Center for Writing Excellence, Elon Votes!, Elon Political Engagement Work Group, Council on Civic Engagement, and the Kernodle Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement.

This is one of a series of programs this year designed to enhance civic engagement efforts on campus. 

The Elon University Political Engagement Work Group is a nonpartisan collaborative team that involves students, staff, and faculty representing areas such as the Department of Political Science, Study USA, Center for Leadership, Student Government Association, Residence Life, Student Media, Truitt Center, National Campaign for Political and Civic Engagement, and Kernodle Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement. 

For additional information or to learn how to register to vote, visit