Chakrabarti to direct international conference

Chandana Chakrabarti is directing an international conference on “Globalization, Identity and Syncretism” at the Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY on Oct. 28-29. The conference will be attended by scholars from the U.S., Canada, Australia and Asia. The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Journal of Global Studies.

Chakrabarti is serving as General Editor of the Journal of Global Studies. The editorial board members are distinguished scholars from the U.S., Canada, Australia and Asia.

Chakrabarti is also serving as Associate Editor of the Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion.

The conference program appears below:

Thursday, October 28th


8.45 A.M. Michael Lazich
Buffalo State College

Session A

9:00-10:50 A.M.

Chair: Elysabeth Agnew

Ball State University

“Language and Religious Tolerance,” Joel Wilcox, Barry University

“Globalization and Global Ethics,” Kenneth Weare, University of San Francisco

“Cultural Identity and Globalization: Insights Gleaned from Selected Diasporic Authors,”
Mary Mathew, North Carolina Central University

“Globalization, Identity and Political Perfectionism,” Craig Matarrese, Minnesota State

“Can we Inherit Tolerance? Defending Liberal Values and the Burden of History,” Storm
Heter, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

Session B

11:00 A.M.-12:50 P.M.

Chair: Joel Wilcox

Barry Univeristy

“Insight from Medieval Saiva Scholasticism on the Conflict and Architecture of
Knowledge Claim,” David Lawrence, University of Manitoba

“The Role of Canonial Assumptions in the Process of Buddhist and Confucian Syncretism in Early China,” Michael Lazich, Buffalo State College

“Internal Realism and Religious Diversity,” Victoria H. Harrison-Carter, University of Colorado at Boulder

“Performing Transnationalism,” Jennifers B. Saunders, Emory University

“Condemning Sinner or Condoning Sin? The Role of Religious Morality in Responses to Globalization of Sex Trafficking and Prostitution,” Lucinda Peach, American University

Lunch Break: 12:50-1:50 P.M.

Session C

1:50-3:40 P.M.

Chair: Lucinda Peach

American University

“The Insufficiency of Identity Politics: Why Community Rights are not Enough,” Sarah Mehta, South Asia Program, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, DC

“Globalization in India-As Seen Through Popular Indian Cinema,” Simran Sodhi-garg, American University

“Water, Wood and Women: The Persistence of Ancient Traditions in Modern India,” Lisa B. Safford, Hiram College

“Gods and Globalization”, B.V.K. Sastry, Hindu University

“Vodou Hybridity and Voodou Economics: Resistance, Hybridity and Globalization,” Mario-Degiglio-Bellemare, University of St.Michael’s College, Toronto School of Theology

Session D

3:40-5:20 P.M.

Aditya Adarkar

Montclair State University

“Jihad Against God: A Nietzschean Syncretism of Igbal’s Skikwa,” Syed W. Jawaid, Hamilton College

“Guns, God and Government: Towards Developing a Survey Measure of Hindu Nationalism,” Satish Joshi and Shyam Sriram, Georgia State University

“De Mello and Lao Tzu”, Lynne Wedul, Elon University

“Sri Satya Sai Baba and his Influence in Western World,” Ana Fodor, West Virginia University

“Globalization, Talibanization or Colonization: Gandhi’s View on Global Market Policy,”
Chandana Chakrabarti, Elon University

Supper Break: 5:20-7:30 P.M.

Cultural Program

7:30 P.M.

Assembly Hall in the Student Union

Indian Classical Dance and Instrumental Recital Dances by the students of “Natya” The School of Indian Classical Dance in Buffalo

Director: Dr. Tejaswini Rao

Music by Omkara-Anil,Narayana and Ravi Padmanabha

Friday, October 29th

Session A

9:00-10:50 A.M.

Chair: Victoria Harrison-Carter

University of Colorado at Boulder

“The Evolution of Anatta: Contemporary American Theravada Conceptions of “No Self,” Gustavus Alexus McLeod, University of Oklahoma

“The Widening of the India English Channel: Strong Currents of the English Language Flowing in to inside and out from India Since the 1990,” Gadi Kenny, American University

“Transnational Religious Community,” Susan McNaughton, York University

“Philosophy & Globalization,” Shyam Ranganathan, York University

“Compulsion tied to Altruism: A Philosophical Reading of Karna Narrative,” Aditya Adarkar, Montclair State University

Session B

11:00-12:10 P.M.

Chair: Craig Mattarrese

Minnesota State University

“Liberty of Death: Collapsing Patriotism in Sikh American Discourse in the aftermath of 9/11,” Jessica Marie Falcone, Cornell University

“A Philosophical View of Globalization,” Ashok Malhotra, SUNY, Oneonta

“Syncretism,” Geoff Berry, Deakin University

Session C

12:20-12:50 P.M.

“Applied Syncretism” Eric Fraser and Saunak Chakrabarti

Duet Recital: Indian Classical Flute

Raga and Rhymes

Ravi Padmanabha(Tabla)

Lunch Break: 12:50-1:50

Session D

1:50 P.M-3:40 P.M.

Chair: Michael Lazich

Buffalo State College

“On the Thesis of Inner Bliss and Harmony as a Foundation for World Peace,” Douglas Evan DeMasters

“Another Ethics for Another World: The World Social Forum and Ethics of Alternative Globalization,” Lee Cormie, St. Michael’s College and the Toronto School of Theology

“Post Modern Ethics and Eastern Thought”, Jae Seong Lee, Pusan National University

“Globalization, Syncretism and Global Identity: The Emergence of Self-Realization Fellowhip,” Tom Segady, Stephen F. Austin State University

“The Relevance of Non-attached action for Globalization,” Sudarsana Padmanabha, University of South Florida