Elon students meet media leaders in Washington

Elon students attending Inside Washington ’05, a unique Winter Term seminar hosted by The Washington Center, have been learning from some of the top names in print and broadcast journalism.

Sessions included a keynote address by Bob Schieffer of CBS’s Face the Nation and presentations by Sam Donaldson of ABC News and David Broder of the Washington Post. Ann Compton of ABC News described her day with President Bush as the television pool reporter on Sept. 11, 2001.

Elon students also attended a session Jan. 12 with Brooks Jackson of FactCheck.org, Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune and Ted Koppel of ABC News. Students were able to ask questions of each reporter, and the session is scheduled to air Jan. 13 or Jan. 14 on C-SPAN. You can access the schedule by visiting the C-SPAN link below: