Campus Health Update for Students-Please read

As flu season gets into full swing I wanted to update you on the status of the flu situation at Elon. There is no flu epidemic on campus, although Health Services reported an increase in the number of flu-like cases in the Ellington Center last week. Our records indicate 90 cases of flu-like illness were reported last week and Health Services treated over 400 patients last week for all illnesses. Although there is NOT an epidemic on campus just want to make you aware that you may see increases in students or employees who are not feeling well for the next few days.

Early intervention with any illness (especially the flu) can reduce the severity and longevity of the symptoms. New medications are available which can be prescribed early in the onset to reduce symptoms. The Health Services staff has consulted area pharmacies and these medications are currently in stock. If you start feeling ill, please go to Health Services early.

Please note that during “normal” times the wait time in Health Services is less than 60 minutes for most patients. Of course, due to an elevated number of patients in the past few days that wait may be longer. We are bringing in additional staff during the busiest times to see patients more efficiently but please bear with us. Health Services is open Monday-Thursday 8:30 am until 6:00 pm, Friday 8:30 am until 4:30 pm and Saturdays 11:00 am until 2:45 p.m. Tip: 8:30 am until 10:00 am are the least busy times and good times to be seen more quickly!

Health Services does not issue class excuses but every patient who visits Health Services is provided with documentation to verify treatment in the Ellington Center. Students should be able to produce this documentation if professors have a question regarding their class attendance. If you must miss class due to illness, please be prepared to present documentation of your visit to Health Services.

There are several steps you can take to prevent the flu and other communicable diseases:

• Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with warm water and soap

• Minimize close/direct contact with others (especially sharing food and drinks)

• Wash all eating utensils in detergent and hot water

• Cover your mouth when sneezing (preferably with a tissue)

• Get plenty of rest and eat healthy and nutritional meals

If you have questions, please contact Kitty Parrish, director of Health Services or Jim Hawkins, medical director and university physician at ext. 7230.

Jana Lynn Patterson

Associate Dean of students