Save The Date: April 6, 2005 is HabiFest

SAVE THE DATE: April 6, 2005

Habitat for Humanity will be hosting it’s second annual “HabiFest”, during Act!Speak!Build! Week (April 4-8), on Wednesday April 6.

The program will start at 7 PM in McKinnon Hall in Moseley Center. The program will feature Habitat Homeowners, all female a capella group Sweet Signatures, the Alamance Habitat Affiliate, and a visiting speaker from Habitat International from Americus, Georgia. Finally, a very special guest (Sponsored by Student Union Board), Sam Glenn, will wow everyone with his talent of chalk art and will speak about making a difference in the world! You can’t miss this!

Be sure to mark your calenders! April 6, 2005 @ 7 PM in McKinnon Hall, a night never to be forgotten.

“There is no place like home…unless you don’t have one.”

-Elon University Habitat for Humanity