Elon contingent shares expertise at N.C. Scholastic Media Institute

The annual institute attracts instructors from across the state and country to discuss topics relating to newspapers, yearbooks, magazines, online content and broadcast journalism.

Four School of Communications faculty members made presentations at the North Carolina Scholastic Media Institute, a four-day event for journalism and media advisers as well as high school students. It is sponsored by the UNC School of Media and Journalism.

Assistant Professor Michele Lashley was one of four Elon faculty members to participate in this summer's North Carolina Scholastic Media Institute.
The institute attracts instructors from across the state and country each summer to offer their expertise in newspaper, yearbook, online, magazine and broadcast journalism.

The Elon faculty participating in the summer conference included Associate Professor Dan Haygood, Assistant Professors Michele Lashley and Shannon Zenner and Lecturer Kelly Furnas.

Lashley, who has a J.D. from North Carolina Central University School of Law, discussed media law and how it applies to high school student media – from yearbooks and student newspapers to digital publications and student-run broadcasts. She hosted two sessions – one for students and one for advisers – discussing a variety of topics, including the forum doctrine, copyright law and defamation.

“The questions both groups asked were great and led to some very interesting conversations and hypotheticals,” Lashley said. “It was fantastic to see that the future of journalism is in very capable hands.” 

Haygood’s presentation was titled “Branding Your Student Media.”