Course links Elon with ASU, WCU students

A partnership between Elon and two public universities in North Carolina allows Elon students to take courses with their peers at the other schools and combine the power of computers across the state.

Dave Powell and Joel Hollingsworth, faculty members in Elon’s computing sciences department, are leading faculty from Appalachian State University and Western Carolina University this spring to offer a course to students at all three universities. A $95,000 grant funded by the University of North Carolina provides video conferencing technology between the three schools and statewide computer network that combines and enhances the computing power of each school. The course is being broadcast over the North Carolina Research and Education Network (NCREN).

Powell says the course, titled “Intelligent Decision Making,” benefits from the collaboration between the three schools. “I’ve been very pleased. The course is focused on using computers to solve problems and harnessing the power of multiple computers to accomplish that goal, so it is perfect for a program like this one.”