Campus security alert – suspect being sought

Elon University Police and the Town of Elon Police are searching for a male suspect who entered two different suites in Chandler Hall at about 8:45 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday mornings this week. Details….

In both incidents, the suspect entered the bathroom where female students were showering. He fled the suites when he was discovered and the students began screaming.

The suspect is described as a slim, light-skinned African American of college age (18-21 years of age), about 5 feet 10 inches tall, with an athletic build, short hair and sideburns. In Monday’s incident, the suspect was wearing a red cap turned backward, blue jeans and had a blue scarf pulled up to his nose. In Wednesday’s incident, he had on a white T-shirt, black shorts, tennis shoes with green markings and a black gym bag.

The photo on this page is a composite illustration produced by police based on descriptions provided by witnesses.

If you have any information about these incidents or if you see suspicious persons on campus at any time, call 278-5555.

In the first incident the suspect was discovered in the bathroom by a suitemate who came into the room. In the second incident, the suspect pulled back the shower curtain and slapped the victim after she began screaming. She was not seriously injured and continued screaming until he fled.

In both incidents, the exterior door to the suite had been propped open by the residents, allowing the intruder to enter. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT ALL STUDENTS ENSURE THAT THEIR ROOMS, SUITES OR FLAT DOORS ARE LOCKED WHENEVER PERSONS ARE ASLEEP OR SHOWERING, EVEN DURING DAYTIME HOURS.

Campus Police officers who had increased patrols following Monday’s incident were in the Chandler area and narrowly missed apprehending the suspect on Wednesday.

In response to the incidents, the University is taking the following steps:

  • Beginning immediately, all exterior residence hall doors will remain locked 24 hours a day
  • Campus security patrols have been increased
  • Students who do not keep their suite or flat doors locked will be charged under disciplinary rules with violating the policy of “Behavior that Endangers the Health and Safety of Self and Others”
  • Physical Plant workers are rechecking all door locks to ensure they are operating correctly; if your door lock is not working properly, notify your area office or Campus Safety and Police
  • Several student meetings have been organized beginning tonight, including residence hall meetings, area council meetings and a student safety committee meeting.