Huber publishes essay on being a queer biblical scholar

Lynn R. Huber, professor of religious studies, published the essay "The Promise of Happiness in the Society of Biblical Literature."

Professor of Religious Studies and Honors Program Director Lynn R. Huber recently published an essay titled “The Promise of Happiness in the Society of Biblical Literature.”

Lynn Huber, professor of religious studies and director of the Honors Program

The essay, which describes Huber’s experience of being an out queer lesbian in a predominantly straight and male field, was included in the journal Women in the Society of Biblical Literature, edited by Nicole L. Tilford. The volume invited contributions from a variety of female-identified biblical scholars asking them to reflect on their personal experiences and the state of the field. The project marks the 125th anniversary of the first female-identified member of the Society of Biblical Literature, a professional society dedicated to the critical study of the Bible from various academic disciplines.

In addition, Huber has two other essays being published in soon-to-be-released volumes. First is an essay on gender in the Book of Revelation in The Oxford Handbook of New Testament, Gender, and Sexuality, edited by Benjamin Dunning. In this piece Huber argues that studies of gender in this book not be limited to the analysis of specific gendered images; rather, the text as a whole engages in the formation of gendered subjects. Second, Huber’s essay “The City-Women Babylon and New Jerusalem in Revelation” will be included in The Oxford Handbook to Revelation, edited by Craig Koester. This essay draws upon Huber’s previously published work exploring Revelation’s use of city-women imagery to shape early Christian identity.