Monico publishing for the first time with Elon student

Advancing undergraduate research to include the production of joint manuscripts, Assistant Professor of Human Service Studies Carmen Monico published with Leadership Fellow Mendez-Sandoval '22.

Assistant Professor of Human Service Studies Carmen Monico has published for the first time with an Elon student, Leadership Fellow Jovani Mendez-Sandoval ’22.

Monico has written other articles on the increased immigration of children and their families from Central America. In this article, Monico built on own dissertation research on intercountry adoption (the “quiet migration”) from Guatemala, and expanded it to include the cases studies of El Salvador and Honduras.

Mendez-Sandoval is majoring in economic consulting in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, and is minoring in leadership. He is an Isabella Cannon Leadership Fellow, an Odyssey Program Scholar and a leading member of Immigrant Realities, an Elon program that supports immigrants.

Together and for this article, Monico and Mendez-Sandoval studied individual cases of child-family separation and developed a characterization of child-family separation, which ranges from separation by death to prolonged and indefinitive separation to de facto adoption.

The peer-reviewed, open-access article is titled “Group and Child–Family Migration from Central America to the United States: Forced Child–Family Separation, Reunification, and Pseudo Adoption in the Era of Globalization.” The article is part of the Special Issue Genealogies of Inequality: Transnational Adoption and Kinship in the Era of Globalisation.