KCSL: Volunteer for a wellness event at Broadview Middle School

1-3 Bilingual volunteers are needed to assist with a wellness event at Broadview Middle School

The event is a “wellness” event targeting parents of students that attend the school. The goal is to share available community resources to make them more aware of programs and opportunities for their families. Over 90 percent of these families are Hispanic/Latino or African American. The school is an F school (failing) and we’re working with a team of school personnel and other community members to address root causes and concerns that these families face and work toward behavioral health equity and school success for the students.

Our table will focus on engaging parents about their knowledge of current resources and needs in their community as well as letting them tell us what they think are important assets for their child’s success. This is part of our needs assessment process and a start to engage parents, build trust and assist them as residents in the East Burlington area. We would love to have some students who may want to help us as we move forward with this ongoing process.

To volunteer, contact Karen Webb, M.Ed. at 336-266-1695 or kwebb7@bellsouth.net