#ElonGrad 2020 Spotlight: Kylee Gomilla, Mathematics

In this series, Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences is shining the spotlight on distinguished members of the Class of 2020 from a wide array of disciplines.

Kylee Gomilla

An Elon Honors Fellow and mathematics major who earned her teaching licensure, Gomilla earned the awards for Academic Achievement and Outstanding Mathematics Research for the Class of 2020.

“I am lucky to have found such a curious, motivated and mature research partner. Kylee has pushed herself and me to great achievements related to her research to create mathematical models for school attendance zones,” said Gomilla’s mentor, Professor of Math Crista Arangala.

What topics did you research, and how did that impact your educational goals?

While at Elon, I spent two years conducting mathematical modeling research on Charlotte-Mecklenburg Attendance School Zones. I chose this research topic because it was a perfect way to blend my passion for rigorous math and education. Also, Charlotte is my hometown, and has an interesting and complex history of school zoning. It was an honor to present my research at the South Eastern Conference of the Mathematical Association of America.

How has your relationship with your mentor improved your educational success and helped you reach your goals?

Dr. Arangala expressed all the amazing qualities of a wonderful mentor: enthusiastic, patient, supportive, encouraging, and I hope to embody those similar qualities when I am a mentor to my high school students in the future. Conducting research was an educational goal of mine before coming to college, and I am so thankful I found a mentor for life who was willing to invest in a new project with me.

What are your future plans?

After I graduate, I will be teaching at Green Level High School in Cary, North Carolina. I am very excited to serve as a volleyball coach at the school too! While I am sad my college experience is coming to an end, I am so thankful for all my family, friends, professors, and community members who supported me along the way.

What advice would you give future Elon students?

For all the new students, take risks. For me that was traveling abroad to Malawi and New Zealand. For you, those risks worth taking may be different, but go forth with confidence to challenge yourself. Don’t forget to have fun while you do!

What is your favorite Elon tradition?

My favorite Elon tradition is the luminaries. In college, it is easy to be constantly in a future-forward mindset. Luminaries provided a wonderful time to be in the present with the wonderful community around me. I could always feel the peace, light, and warmth surrounding me, even if it was 30 degrees out. I am excited to be living in N.C. so I can return to campus for this special event.