I Am Elon with Ana Segal ’21

The music production and recording arts major is not afraid to learn new things and help others on their musical journey along the way.

A singer throughout much of her life, Ana Segal ’21 tried her best to set music aside when she came to Elon. Intent on learning new things and pursuing a major in anything but music, she decided to follow her other interests through a variety of classes. The freedom to change direction while exploring intellectually is one of the things Ana loves about Elon.

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“Elon pushes you to get involved in a lot of ways, which helps you discern what really matters to you,” she says. “The faculty want to get you wherever you want to go. That’s really special about Elon.”

Ultimately Segal decided that Elon’s music department truly was the right place for her, and last fall she was accepted into the music production and recording arts program. She’s deeply involved in the department, tutoring peers in music theory, working as an assistant within the department’s administrative office and taking on leadership roles in Elon’s annual Leading Women in Audio Conference. In the fall she will begin a new position as a music technician in one of the department’s recording studios. Segal says she’s looking forward to helping fellow musicians realize their artistic vision through technology, cultivating skills she’ll need once she graduates and pursues a position in the recording industry.

Segal came to Elon from San Francisco, ready to push herself to meet new people and embrace new experiences. Initially it was a challenge to be so far from home and away from the familiar, but ultimately the experience has been extremely rewarding. “Technical knowledge is important, but it’s more important to connect and meet new people,” Segal said. “We’re all coming from different backgrounds, and people can teach you about their religion, their home, their work and their experiences. That then forces you to turn that mirror inward, which is how you learn the most.”

Ana is Elon and one of the many stories that are part of our “I Am Elon” series.