June 26 update from the Ready & Resilient Committee

The Ready & Resilient Committee provides details on a range of topics related to Fall semester.


Thank you for your good questions that have helped advance our preparations for fall. This week’s Ready & Resilient (R&R) update includes specific information regarding:

  • New Policy on Face Coverings (Masks) and Face Shields
  • COVID-19 Testing for Students, Faculty, and Staff
  • Fogging/Disinfecting
  • Campus Zoom License
  • Technology Updates
  • Health Screening App
  • Required Trainings and a Healthy Elon commitment
  • Tent Spaces on Campus
  • Relevant Information for Teaching Guide
  • Relevant Information for Employees Guide
  • Benchmarking Risk Thresholds and the Infectious Disease Committee
  • New Student Move-In
  • Ongoing R&R Work and Future Updates

New Policy on Face Coverings (Masks) effective June 26 at 5:00 p.m.

In alignment with growing scientific evidence that face coverings are one of the most effective strategies in limiting the spread of COVID-19, Elon announced a new face covering policy to coincide with NC Governor Cooper’s executive order 147. Everyone on campus is required to wear a face covering over the nose and mouth when indoors. This includes classrooms, public restrooms, open office and common spaces, hallways, meeting rooms, libraries, theaters and other indoor spaces. Face coverings are also required outdoors when six-foot physical distancing cannot be maintained. Read the policy on face coverings (masks), as well as exceptions and accountability.

Additionally, we will update you soon about face shields and, if appropriate, distribution of face shields for staff and faculty.

COVID-19 Testing for Students, Faculty, and Staff

We believe it is imperative to use PCR testing (not antibody testing) in ways to keep our community as healthy as possible. Look for more details in the coming weeks as plans are being finalized for four types of COVID-19 testing:

  1. Testing of all students, faculty, and staff prior to the beginning of fall semester (faculty and staff testing paid for by the university)
  2. Random testing of all students, faculty, and staff during the fall semester
  3. Testing of all students, faculty, and staff exhibiting symptoms.
  4. Options for students, faculty, and staff to pay for and receive additional testing, if they desire it.

These plans are being finalized. We will provide extensive details about testing (including dates, processes, etc.) and are working to make this process as simple as possible (including a focus on the painless and less invasive nasal swab test). You can always check the number of cases on campus and existing protocols for contact tracing and notifications on the COVID-19 dashboard page on the Ready & Resilient site.


Schedules are currently being created for all classrooms, dining facilities, and busses to be fogged/disinfected every night.

Campus Zoom License

As of today, Information Technology (IT) has signed a new campus license with Zoom. Look for more information from IT in the coming weeks about how all students, faculty, and staff can utilize Zoom. (Webex and Teams will continue to be offered and supported.)

Technology Updates

IT is actively working on enhancements to support the teaching and learning environment:

  • Learning Spaces: IT is beginning to install web cameras in classrooms across campus. 25Live will be updated in early July to reflect technology upgrades and changes in spaces.
  • Equipment is being purchased to meet the most common requests we are receiving for short-term and long-term needs (e.g. webcams, audio amplification for larger spaces).
  • Registration for the “Digital Learning Days: Technology for Flexible Teaching” will open on Monday, June 29. These faculty development opportunities will be held July 14-16 and August 5-7. Visit the Technology Training page on Monday for further information.
  • Visit the COVID-19 Technology Updates page for the latest information related to upgrades, roll-outs, and support.

Health Screening App

Part of slowing the spread of COVID-19 is daily monitoring of our own health and not coming to work when we feel ill. IT staff are currently researching health screening apps while also building a prototype app based on the questions on the R&R Daily Health Check-Up site. The health screening app will be a way for each of us to verify our health before being on campus each day and also to quickly find resources regarding COVID-19 questions.

Required Trainings and the Healthy Elon Commitment

In July, all students, faculty, and staff will be provided with links to required trainings about COVID-19, campus guidelines and policies, and life on campus this fall. Students, faculty, and staff will also be asked to commit to taking care of themselves, taking care of each other, and taking care of the Elon community. The Healthy Elon commitment includes references to the Elon Honor Code and how this shared commitment is a required expectation of all members of our community this fall.

Tent Spaces on Campus

Plans are being finalized to have 7 or 8 large event-style tents in various locations across campus. Tents will range in size, accommodating 16 to 35 physically distanced individuals. Folding tables, chairs, and Wi-Fi will be provided. Tents will not have connected power, air conditioning, heating, or technology hardware. Tents will be open air and susceptible to sun, wind, rain, and . . . snow. Some of the tents will be used for overflow seating for Clohan, Lakeside, and McEwen Dining Halls. Most tents will be reservable. More details will be shared soon.

Relevant Information for Teaching Guide

The R&R Academic Team has been working with many across campus to gather COVID-19 related academic policies and procedures in one document. This academic guide for fall 2020 will be finalized by early next week and shared via email by Provost Volety.

Relevant Information for Employees Guide

R&R and Human Resources are gathering COVID-19 related employee policies and procedures in one document. This employee manual for fall 2020 will be finalized by early next week and shared via email and the R&R website.

Benchmarking Risk Thresholds and the Infectious Disease Committee

The Infectious Disease Committee has begun meeting to review tools for assessing campus preparations and campus risk. The committee will be reviewing existing matrices and potentially developing an Elon matrix for benchmarking risk thresholds that can be used in future decision making and will help us ensure we are meeting or exceeding nationally recognized guidelines. Matrices include categories ranging from tracing, testing, local and state conditions/processes, quarantining, compliance, supplies, hospitalizations, etc. More details will be shared soon.

New Student Move-In

Incoming students will be assigned move-in time slots so that no more than a quarter of residents on a floor will move at a time. Students will be allowed a maximum of two family members accompanying them. All incoming and returning students will complete the Schar Center Health Screening and Check-In prior to moving in on campus. Health Screening and Check-In slots will be spread across three sessions on Friday, August 14 and Saturday, August 15. Traditional family orientation will be held virtually this year. The traditional Farewell Picnic will be changed to physically distanced “farewell panels” in Alumni Gym, offered directly after move-in and providing opportunities for Q&A and closure before departing campus.

Incoming students will receive information about their check-in time slot on July 1. They will receive class schedules and residence hall and roommate assignments on July 23.

Ongoing R&R Work and Future Updates

As our work continues, we expect to update you on the following in the coming weeks:

  1. Planning Week schedules
  2. Final health screening, COVID-19 testing, and tracing policies
  3. Final Schar Center Health Check-In details for students, faculty, and staff
  4. Quarantine and isolation policies
  5. Benchmarking and alert levels being developed by the Infectious Disease Committee
  6. Local school system schedules
  7. Training for students, faculty, and staff and the Healthy Elon commitment
  8. Plans for international students
  9. More on Move-In and Orientation
  10. Classroom assignments
  11. Lunch spaces

Our Requests of You

  • Thank you for your good questions. We need your ideas. Keep reaching out to us individually and through ready2020@elon.edu. We ask that you give us a bit of grace and patience as we work through the many recommendations and help prepare for this fall.
  • As your programs and departments are developing processes and making plans for fall, please share those plans through deans and vice presidents, as well as through Jeff Stein at jstein@elon.edu or through ready2020@elon.edu so we can ensure alignment across campus in this rapidly changing environment.

We will continue to provide updates throughout the summer via emails and the Ready & Resilient website.


The Ready & Resilient Committee

  • Jeff Stein, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Assistant Professor of English (Chair)
  • Dan Anderson, Vice President of University Communications
  • Ginette Archinal, Medical Director of Student Health and University Physician
  • MarQuita Barker, Director of Residence Life
  • John Barnhill, Associate Vice President for University Advancement
  • Tom Flood, Assistant Vice President of Physical Plant
  • Jason Husser, Associate Professor of Political Science and Policy Studies, and
  • Director of the Elon Poll (Academic Council Representative)
  • Deandra Little, Assistant Provost, Director of the Center for the Advancement of
  • Teaching and Learning and Professor of English
  • Paul Miller, Assistant Provost for Academic Operations and Communications and Professor of Exercise Science
  • Kelly Reimer, Director of Teaching and Learning Technologies (Staff Council Representative)
  • Carrie Ryan, Director of Auxiliary Services
  • Kelli Shuman, Associate Vice President for Human Resources & Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Gabie Smith, Dean of Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Psychology
  • Mary Southern, Project Manager for Provost and Academic Affairs Operations (Project Manager)
  • Mike Ward, Deputy Director of Athletics
  • Randy Williams, Associate Vice President for Inclusive Excellence and Assistant Professor of Education