Student Ambassadors: Courtney Kollar ’21 and Tori Seymore ’23 share videos and tips for healthy student living

Two student ambassadors for the Healthy Elon Commitment are sharing their creative videos to keep students safe.

This is the first in a series of posts highlighting the efforts of student ambassadors for the Healthy Elon Commitment, which is part of the university’s Ready & Resilient plan. 

Offering healthy tips and messages with their peers on staying safe during the pandemic, Courtney Kollar ’21 and Tori Seymore ’23 created videos shared across social media to give important advice and guidance to fellow Phoenix during the Fall 2020 semester.  These student-led efforts contribute to the ongoing Ready & Resilient initiative supporting a safer and healthier campus.

Courtney Kollar ’21 is a senior psychology major with a minor in dance, who studied abroad in Ireland and holds campus leadership as captain of Elon women’s club ultimate frisbee team, vice president of the Catholic campus ministry, and her student employment through the Moseley Center.

Check out her energetic TikTok video on how she and her roommates keep their living space clean while also checking in on each other’s physical, mental, and social health.  Included in Courtney’s important advice in this video:

  • “I wear my mask because I want to be dedicated to keep myself safe and others safe.”
  • “My roommates and I keep each other in check, too.  We talk about who comes over, wear masks at Target, and practice good hygiene by not sharing any food or drinks.”
  • “Instead of going out, we have a handful of friends over and have movie nights and game nights that are a lot of fun.”
  • “We all need to do our part to keep Elon safe. Let’s take it seriously and have a great year.”

Tori Seymore ’23 is a sophomore double major in political science and middle grades education who has held campus leadership as a teaching fellow, vice president of her class in student government, and through her student employment as student assistant for diversity and intersectionality through the division of equity and inclusive excellence.

Check out her video which provides a more personal, one-on-one feel as she shares important advice for students regarding staying healthy during the pandemic.  Included in Tori’s important advice in this video:

  • “Make sure you’re social distancing, I suggest more than 6 feet, and that you avoid going to large gatherings, crowds, parties.  I know it’s hard to resist but please remember that this disease doesn’t just affect you. It affects the people who surround you.”
  • “Avoid going to Durham and Greensboro. We have to remember that there are people who live there full-time. This disease not only affects you, you could easily pass it on.”
  • “Keep yourself safe because it’s not just your life, it’s other people around you, and we have to be caring and help the community right now more than ever.”

Student ambassadors like Courtney and Tori are creating videos to share their ideas and practices around staying safe.

Are you a student wanting to create a quick 1-to-2-minute video on ways that you’re staying healthy during the pandemic?  If so, email Matthew Antonio Bosch via so you can become a student ambassador and have your voice and advice be heard.