Nail your interview with Big Interview

Elon University students are using Big Interview, an online resource offered by the Student Professional Development Center (SPDC), to help prepare for and land employment and graduate school opportunities!

The fall season has begun, and with it, Elon’s SPDC hosts virtual employer career and graduate school fairs, and a variety of networking events supportive of the growing number of internship and job opportunities posted on the Elon Job Network (EJN).

There is no better time than now to update resumes, build interviewing skills and confidence by using Big Interview. The online interview training resource is available for Elon students at no cost. Here, users will learn tips on answering interview questions and practice applying these during mock interviews.

Big Interview offers two programs for learning how to master interview skills: Fast Track and Mastery Track. The Fast Track includes 16 short video lessons. The Mastery track provides 50 video lessons. Both offer practice interview questions and quizzes that cover the most common interview questions and advise how to present your best self to employers.

After learning internship skills and etiquette, users can apply what they learned by choosing from a wide variety of practice interviews based on employer types, graduate programs, job functions, position levels, and experience. The mock interviews provide participants with feedback on performance based on several different types of criteria.

Big Interview recently added artificial intelligence (AI) to provide real-time feedback. The AI counts the number of times the filler word “um” is used and provides a score on authenticity and vocabulary choices. AI also judges interviewees’ ability to maintain eye contact— an important skill to have in the age of virtual interviews.

Additional features of Big Interview include interview roulette, where players receive 20 random interview questions to practice quick-thinking skills; and resume writing practice that includes nine lessons on building an impressionable resume.

With all of this and more available, Elon students can gain an edge, and distinguish themselves from others competing for professional opportunities by using Big Interview.