Education students featured in state pre-service teacher poster session

The third annual AMTE-NC (Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators - North Carolina) Pre-service Teacher poster session was held virtually November 9 - November 13th with over 100 preservice teachers representing institutions across the state of North Carolina.

Junior teacher candidates in Lecturer Erin Hone’s EDU 312: Principles of Learning and Teaching Math & Science class along with seniors teacher candidates in Assistant Professor Katie Baker’s EDU 412: Principles of Learning and Teaching Math & Science class created and submitted math posters to the N.C. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators virtual poster session.

Their posters presented a math task for elementary students, tied to the North Carolina state content and practice standards. Teacher candidates had to provide the alignment of the task to students’ conceptual understanding when creating their posters. This event is typically presented in person at the annual state math conference, but due to circumstances, pre-service teachers submitted virtual posters this year. The teacher candidates submitted their posters to a padlet with other virtual posters.

Throughout this week, teachers in the math community are invited to visit the virtual posters session and comment on students’ posters.

EDU 312 students Liz Gehnrich and Katie Kennelly developed Coin Combinations
EDU 412 students Delaney DeAvila and Keely McCarthy developed Humpty Dumpty