Staff Advisory Council announces new Staff Recognition Form

Elon’s Staff Advisory Council has introduced a new way to recognize university staff for their hard work and effort in support of the campus community.

The Elon community has the opportunity to recognize and celebrate the hard work, effort and accomplishments of university staff through a new virtual initiative.

Elon’s Staff Advisory Council has introduced the Staff Recognition Form, an online portal that allows members of the campus community to give words of praise, enter a shout-out, or send thanks and appreciation to a specific staff member at Elon. The council recognized the tremendous work staff had been doing, especially in the midst of a global pandemic, and wanted to draw positive attention to those going above and beyond.

“Staff Advisory Council wanted to create a simple and effective way for folks to recognize the amazing work staff contribute; the opportunity to lift each other up right now on a personal level is critical,” said T.J. Bowie, past Staff Advisory Council chair and associate director of auxiliary services. “A simple submission saying, ‘I see your hard work and the value you provide to our community’ can have a massive lasting impact on someone, and in turn will have a positive impact on staff engagement with students, productivity and retention.”

The Staff Recognition Form located on the Staff Advisory Council website.

Once submitted to the Staff Advisory Council, the form will be forwarded to the recognized staff member via email. The form can be submitted anonymously or include the name of the person submitting the recognition. There is no limit to the number of recognition forms that a person can submit.

Staff Advisory Council would like to recognize ERP Application Developer/Trainer Julie White for spearheading the effort to establish the Staff Recognition Form, and Assistant Director for Online Communications Chris Spires for developing the form.

The Staff Advisory Council’s mission is to facilitate active and direct communication between staff employees and the President’s Office and to provide a forum for input and discussion of issues important to staff and the university. The council seeks to accomplish its mission by contributing to the university’s culture of community and recognition, participating in the shared governance of the university, reviewing and making recommendations on appropriate issues, and more.

Learn more about the council’s mission, as well as opportunities for staff to get involved on campus and in the community, on the Elon Staff Advisory Council website.