Elon Students Meet Media Pros in Washington, D.C.

Eight Elon students attended the National College Media Convention in Washington, D.C., Nov. 9-11. Details...

Taresa LaRock, Jennifer Guarino, Elizabeth Sudduth, Lisa McChristian, Tammy Tripp, Josh Davis, Chris Rash and Tim Kay soaked up sessions featuring journalism pros from the print, broadcast and Web operations of USA Today, CNN, The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, The Detroit News and Newsweek.

Keynote speakers were Michael Isikoff, author of the book “Uncovering Clinton” and an investigative reporter for Newsweek, and David Sanger, a winner of two Pulitzers and senior White House correspondent for The New York Times. The two writers shared the inside story of election night 2000 at their respective news operations. The Elon students attended this presentation and several dozen of the more than 300 informational, educational sessions offered at the conference.