SGA Organization Awards announced

Read this note for the list of those honored by the Student Government Association at its annual awards and inaugural ceremony...

Faculty Member of the Year

Dr. Robert Vick

Barbara H. Carlton Outstanding Advisor of the year

Anne Wingler of Zeta Tau Alpha

Campus/Greater Community Involvement

Phi Mu

Organization Member of the year

Michaela Wadbrook of Alpha Kappa Psi

Organization Officer of the year

Chris Gaylor of Model United Nations

Outstanding College Program (groups funded by a college department)

New Student Orientation

Highest GPA

Habitat for Humanity with a 3.44

Organization of the Year

Less than 30 members: Alpha Kappa Alpha

30 or more members: Alpha Omicron Pi

SGA Committee of the Year

Public Relations Committee

SGA Senator of the Year

Brain Feeley