Web content management software selected

Elon has selected Reef, a leading global provider of Internet software applications, in an initiative to expand the university's Web resources....

The integration of Reef InternetWare furthers Elon’s commitment to technology, enabling non-technical students, faculty and staff to directly manage the Web site and deliver fresh, custom online information to viewers.

Elon’s selection of Reef InternetWare came after a year-long search for, and evaluation of, content management and Web publishing solutions that could empower non-technical users and enable Elon’s independently managed sites to standardize on a single platform. The software will be installed on new Web servers this summer and used on several areas of the university Web site beginning in early fall.

Currently, content changes and updates to the Elon Web site are managed by a small group of writers and designers using homegrown tools, limiting the ability to scale and update content regularly. Using Reef’s content and user management tools, faculty and staff will be able to build a unified Web environment across the entire campus that is easy to access and manage, reducing bottlenecks and ensuring that content is always fresh and relevant.

Reef Publisher will be used to deliver customized content to the Web site, including information on courses, degrees, campus activities and events. Reef Commerce will help Elon build an effective e-commerce presence through the promotion of fund-raising activities and online donations, and the sale of university merchandise and event tickets. The Reef Engine will enable users to gain personalized, secure access to a variety of university information, including student and staff directories. It will provide non-technical contributors with the ability to create and update interactive Web site content through easy-to-use forms and templates, eliminating the need for customized training across departments.

Because Reef’s 100% Java-based InternetWare suite is platform-independent, members of the Elon community will also have the ability to easily integrate new technologies into the Reef platform as the Web strategy evolves to accommodate new challenges.

About Reef

Reef is a leading global internet software company that provides an open, integrated, software-based foundation for managing dynamic e-business. Companies of all sizes use Reef InternetWare® to embrace continuous change and maximize e-business efficiencies by empowering non-technical business professionals to directly manage online content, commerce, community services, and business process coordination using a standard web browser. TIME Digital Europe recognized president, CEO and co-founder Philippe Brawerman as Europe’s most influential high technology entrepreneur of 2000. TIME Magazine also ranked Reef as one of Europe’s Hottest Technology Firms for two consecutive years. Reef is a privately held company funded by Goldman Sachs, 3i, Cisco Systems, Net Fund Europe, Profrigo, Viventures, and other investors. Led by an experienced management team with proven industry success, the company serves a broad range of industries, including media/entertainment, telecommunications, healthcare, information technology, finance, and retail. With offices in Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America, Reef can be found on the web at www.reef.com.