Racing analyst Economaki visits Elon class

Chris Economaki, one of the most respected reporters in the sport of motor racing, spoke to an Elon class Jan. 4. Details...

Economaki discussed his life in motor racing and took questions from students in professor Chris Joiner’s class, titled “The Business of NASCAR.”

Economaki has served as editor of National Speed Sport News, an authoritative weekly publication about motor sports, since 1950. He also has 34 years of experience as a television broadcaster, commentator and track announcer.

Reacting to the recent deaths of Dale Earnhardt, Adam Petty and several other drivers, Economaki says danger will always be a part of racing. “Auto racing needs speed and it needs danger, whether you like it or not. Not a lot of people will admit that.”

Danger and death were accepted as part of racing during its early years, but Economaki says the arrival of large sponsorship dollars has started to change racing’s view of safety.

“Racing was built on danger. Then sponsorship (money) arrived, and sponsors can’t be associated with something that kills people.”

The Winter Term course offers students a look at the inner workings of NASCAR, and the career opportunities in auto racing. Students will travel to Lowe’s Motor Speedway in Charlotte, the Daytona International Speedway and several racing shops in North Carolina to gain firsthand knowledge about NASCAR.