Gammon publishes article about evolution and creation in online Christian magazine

Dave Gammon, a professor of biology, just published an article in the online Christian magazine, God and Nature. His article is titled, “Evolutionary insights into human nature – lessons for Christians.”

Dave Gammon, a professor of biology, just published an article titled, “Evolutionary insights into human nature – lessons for Christians” in the online Christian magazine God and Nature.

Survey data show that nearly all public resistance to human evolution is motivated by religion, at least in part. Believers and nonbelievers often perceive a fundamental conflict between creation and evolution.

In his article, Gammon asserts that accepting both evolution and creation is possible and mutually beneficial. He says, “As a devout Christian and an active biologist, I assert to my fellow believers that evolutionary theory can be an asset, not a liability, to our faith.”

His article focuses on three powerful insights into the biological aspects of human nature that are explained well by evolutionary theory. These evolutionary insights ultimately enhance the Christian perspective through providing a deeper understanding of human sexuality, family relationships, and how to get along with others. Gammon argues that “societal acceptance of human evolution does not preclude the need for faith-based solutions to modern dilemmas. The ideal society includes a vibrant partnership between science and religion. As Einstein observed, ‘Science without religion is lame.’”

Link to article: