Student publishes fiction novel

David Schleicher, a senior from Burlington, has published his first book, a criminal, psychological thriller novel titled "Crematorium." Details...

Schleicher, a psychology major who is minoring in criminal justice, published the book recently through I Universe. Authors pay I Universe a fee to publish and market the book; Schleicher will receive royalties from his book’s sales.

“Crematorium” is primarily set in Los Angeles, where writer Paul Schrall is on the trail of serial killer Ezekial Detmer. Along the way, Schrall becomes involved with Detmer’s victims and their families. Gradually, the reader learns more about the complex relationships which bind the book’s characters.

“I’ve always been a writer,” says Schleicher, who wrote “Crematorium” over a six-month period spanning his junior and senior years. “I became interested in doing a book like this through my classes. I’m planning to write another book when I have the time.”

For more information about the book, click on the link below.