Elon receives Carnegie Certificate of Achievement

Elon has been recognized for its contributions to the Campus Program of the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Details...

Elon received the certificate for its work on a three-year initiative to promote the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) program. Headed by Deborah Thurlow-Long, associate professor of education, and John Sullivan, the Maude Sharpe Powell Professor of Philosophy, Elon’s initiative focused on the importance of students to the teaching-learning endeavor, and to its study.

Since 1999, Elon has funded 12 faculty-student teams of researchers for projects in various disciplines. Fifty-two students have been involved in these projects, as well as 37 faculty members representing 14 disciplines.

The second phase of the initiative, Project Interweave, involves the appointment of faculty-student teams to work as Elon Scholars-in-Residence in the SOTL. The first team was appointed and began work in fall 2001, while the second team was appointed this month and will begin work in fall 2002.

Each team is appointed to a two-year residency, so that Elon will have two faculty-student teams working on the SOTL in any given year.